My goodness. 2014. The years do fly by, don’t they?!
I thought I’d jump into the new year by sharing a few things I’ve been working on in the rare quiet holiday hours since we last talked…
{this is a BIG one!}
Did you make any resolutions for the new year?
I didn’t, really—except the promise to myself to take more time out for creating this year—I’m finding I really need it!
{this page is to remind myself to create “outside the box” this year—I was about to cut off the off-the-page portion of her skirt—then found I just didn’t want to!}
Here’s my first page in my brand new journal for my brand new year—a beautiful vintage calendar remade for January 2014—just perfect for the vintage girl in me! {thank-you, Crafty Secrets!}
And a layout I’ve been thinking of doing for a long time finally found it’s way onto paper…
Since the pages explain it all, I won’t make you read it twice!
I’m all about feeling connected—to my past, present and future. Always have been. Always will be…….
…but I have to admit to feeling a little “unconnected” to those fabulous 1970’s hairstyles!
Here’s wishing you a very happy and very creative year!
I’m joining up today with one of my favorite companies—Crafty Secrets—for their monthly challenge: 2014 Calendar Challenge.
Please take a minute and visit the ladies on the Crafty Secrets’ Design Team to see what they’ve created for the challenge today—you will be very inspired for your new year of creativity, I promise!
Kathy Clement
Vicki Chrisman
Michele Kovack
Darlene Pavlick
Kathy Clement
Elizabeth Lincoln
Cherry Nelson
See you soon with something new…

{Free vintage calendar download courtesy of Crafty Secrets.}