Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just a Couple of Kids…

Good afternoon, everyone!

Hope it’s been a good day so far…it’s beautiful here today!  The sun is shining, a sweet, fresh breeze blowing…they say we may get some rain later, and I’m alright with that!

I’ve got a couple of things to share with you today…I’ve been playing with Crafty Secrets’ “Altered Fairy” Creative Scraps again—so much fun!  Here’s the first one:


Such a cute little guy!  He just seemed to want to sit on the bird today….”Fly Away with Me”, he says…


LOTS of Dazzling Diamonds, lace, ribbon, buttons, and silver Stickles…and my new addiction…machine stitching.  What took me so long to try this?!

And then this little cutie…


She comes from Crafty Secrets’ “Childhood” Images & Journal Notes booklet…another favorite of mine. 


Again, lots of Dazzling Diamonds---fairies need their wings to sparkle!

These little ones reminded me of a couple of old family photos I have (of course they did!)…it’s really pretty funny how very similar they are…you’ll see!

Dow 1916, 2

My grandfather, Dow…born in Canada in 1912…his grandfather had been commissioned to go there at the turn of the century to help build the canals in Alberta, and the family stayed.

He told of cold winters spent playing with his buddies in the curling rink, summers at his grandfathers farm, trying to outrun the turkey “gobbler” who was “the devil”, and doing all the normal things a boy would do.

And his wife:

Velda Ellen Stapley, toddler

My grandmother, Velda…born in Arizona in 1915…she would be about 2 years old in this photo. 

I love the story she told about when she was four years old.  She was fascinated with the piano teacher who lived down the street.  She’d been told she was too young to take lessons, but she just kept “showing up” every day at lesson time, and the teacher eventually took her on because she was wanted it so badly—Velda was overjoyed!

See why they reminded me of my cards?!  Little reminders all around of those that have gone before us….I’m so grateful for those little reminders.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you soon with something new…


  1. I had to look close - I could have sworn those were the same images! Anyway, I love your altered kids - too cute!

  2. Love these creations! Fairy babies are pretty much my favorite subjects. And your grandparents' photos ~ so precious, as are the little stories you have shared! ~ Angela

  3. Love your cards...I've used those same images from Crafty Secrets and LOVE them.
    and then the real photos ~ LOL!
    Have a great day!

  4. adorable images and awesome art! I always love gingham and dots...and they work so well with vintage children images! thank you for the kind words on my blog! :) Have a great week!

  5. sweet little cards! Love the boy on the bird and the little butterfly girl. How cute they both are. And I can see why they made you think of your grandparents pictures. YOur lucky to have those. They look like they could be sister and brother!
    have a great night!

  6. i love your knowledge of your family's history. ever go to one of those ancestry sites? i'd like to do that one day.

    lovely creations, as always, sweetie.


  7. I'm with Elyse, your knowledge of your family's history is so admirable! Also, these fairy babies are ADORABLE! Nice work, as always!

  8. Of course you have pictures and stories of both your grandparents! I so love that! My hubby's grandma has a treasure trove of stories and one sentence statements about growing up on the farm from her family. I just love preserving the past.

    Love all your cards and everything else you made while I was gone from blogging. Your old sewing machine is fabulous!

    Have a great day, how on earth do you get time to create as much as you do??? Lucky girl!

  9. Love what you do and I love the stories to go with! :D

  10. These are so sweet, Julie. I think it's great how you find links between your family heritage and in day to day things. That is a blessing.

    Hope you're having a great evening...

  11. What wonderful stories!
    Velda sounds like a pistol! :-)

    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  12. These are exquisite. I love your work - so much detail! Penny

  13. Great cards and welcome to the world of machine stitching on paper! Great family pics too, I can totally see whey the ones you used on your cards reminded you of these!

  14. I love the thought of a child wanting something that badly that she essentially WILLS it to happen ~ and it DOES.....Happy ending! Loving your beautiful cards, today. The little boy sitting on the bird will make me SMILE all day. Thanks, Julie! xx P&H

  15. Julie,
    Love both of these! Just gorgeous and YES..your family photo's are perfect little matching poses!

  16. aw..such cute creations....great photos...
    and I was born in Canada too! still am here in fact!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  17. Oh wow, how very alike your family photos are to the card images!! Amazing!! I love your newest cards as always. I don't know how you keep coming up with such wonderful ideas. You are a fountain of creative energy! You amaze and inspire me always! Love and hugs to you my sweet friend! I hope you have a lovely weekend with some really special things to do, people to see, love to share!! I@m sure you will! XXOO

  18. As I was putting Jake's photos in the frame yesterday I thought of your beautiful creations and wished I was as crafty as you! I love the face on the little girl holding the sweet!! Thank you so much for stopping by...your nice comments always make me smile!

  19. Hello~
    Thank you for visiting me! I'm following you now too!I just read your bio and see that you are a so cal girl too. Maybe we will bump into each other someday!

  20. These are both gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!

  21. Hi Julie, thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. As always, and I always say this, your cards are sweet and fabulous. And I adore your family photos. So amazing and wonderful that you are the lucky recipient of those treasured family memories. Best wishes for a most wonderful weekend. :) Tammy

  22. Beautiful artwork! Great family pictures! I would use those shots in artwork, if you haven't already done so, they are just such great shots!

    Your story remoinds me of my sister, who took a broom to open the latch up high on the screen door, who walked to the nursery school/kindergarten(can't remember which), because she wanted to be there so much with her /my brother. My Mom got a phone call from the school before she found out Nina had been gone!. She was 3 or 4 at the time, on Long Island.

    Came via Jann at A Vintage Heart.:)
