Dear Friends! How good it feels to be back here once again…travels are through for now. Nest is empty. My husband and I are adjusting…life is indeed very, very good.

It felt so blissfully lovely to get back up into my crafty room and begin again. Time is my own now, and my time wanted to get inky and painty once more.

I wanted to start fresh. So many things I am in the middle of working on right now, but one of my favorite things is journaling. It’s my happy place, you can say. So, that is what I’ll share first…

My new journal is a “commonplace” journal. A little bit different than the ones I’ve done before. This one will be filled with anything I love. Anything at all.

My first pages are a bit familiar—but soon there will be pages filled with old family recipes, family history, things I’m discovering, me, my family…anything that fills my days.

People have been keeping commonplace books for hundreds of years. I love them. We first see a record of them in the 1400s. The idea has made a comeback recently, but they have been kept for so very long, that just the thought of them makes me happy! You know how I feel about history…..

So here is mine. One of many to come, I would think. There will be thoughts and images, a bit of paint and drawings inserted here and there--it will be nothing fancy—but it will only be filled with things that I love. Things that have great meaning to me…

I hope you’ll give it a try. You never know what you’ll discover about yourself as you go along filling deliciously handmade-paper pages with things you find in your everyday, far-from-commonplace life…..

{antique oval image courtesy of Hope Wallace Karney}